As agriculture settlements turned into empires, architecture, sculptures and pottery progressed as well. Cities were formed with architectural elements to adorn the buildings, sculptures were created to glorify the gods as well as kings, and pottery transformed from having a functional purpose to being used to tell a story or depict a conquest. Artists began to explore with different types of materials, with colors and with different techniques.
Did you know?
During the Mesopotamian period artists became craftsmen; potters, metalsmiths, jewelers, stonemasons, carpenters and more. All of these types of artisans and craftsmen still exist today, and many still use the same techniques invented/discovered in the Mesopotamian art period. Techniques such as using clay from the earth to make pottery, forming the pottery on a wheel and then heating it in a high temperature oven to harden the clay.
Below is some basic information on Mesopotamian and its characteristics and influences. If you would like to print off a copy of this page along with samples of art from this period, you can download the Mesopotamian Summary above.

This stone slab monument (“stele”) celebrates the triumph of King Naram-Sin over a mountain people, the Lullubi. This major work illustrates the imperial art of the Akkadian Dynasty.

The large surfaces show aspects of life in early Mesopotamia. The pictures on each side are divided into three levels which are read from bottom to top. One side shows scenes of peace and the other side shows scenes of war.

This alabaster vase is 3 feet tall and weighs around 600 pounds. It was found in the Temple of Inanna in the Sumerian city of Uruk (Uruk is the ancient name, Warka is the modern name). The vase shows a king worshiping the goddess Inanna, which is an example of how art began to be used to display the role of a ruler and their connection to society.
Quick Facts:
"Mesopotamia" means "land between the river "
Where the idea of civilized society started
Characteristics and/or Types of Art:
Warrior art (to put importance on military victories)
Storytelling on stone
First written language
One god (instead of multiple gods)
Law to create equality
Focus on war between competing city-states
Text References:
Section Introduction: www.visual-arts-cork.com/ancient-art/mesopotamia.htm
Section Introduction: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ancient-art-civilizations/egypt-art/beginners-guide-egypt/a/egyptian-art
Standard of Ur: http://teachinghistory100.org/objects/about_the_object/ur_st andard#
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin: https://www.louvre.fr/en/oeuvre-notices/victory-stele-naram-sin
Warka Vase : https://smarthistory.org/warka-vase/
Photo References:
Standard of Ur: http://teachinghistory100.org/objects/about_the_object/ur_standard#
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/profzucker/373705916 -
Warka Vase:
By Miguel Hermoso Cuesta - Treball propi, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=37...